Thank you for choosing to pay (or continuing to pay) by Standing Order. That will make your life easier, as you won’t have to remember your payment each year. (However, we will write to you to remind you that the money is about to come out of your account so you will be able to cancel it if you want or need to.)
You can set up your standing order in either of following two ways:
- Go to your Online Banking with your own bank and:
Set up a new payment with the first payment to be made immediately and subsequent ANNUAL payments to be made on 1st October to:
sort code: 60-14-22
acc no: 55852297
Reference: [yoursurname initial] subs
*** OR ***
- Download the BAPT Standing Order form
Fill it in and take TO YOUR BANK
Please contact the Treasurer to let them know, so we don’t have mystery payments arrive in the account!
Thank you for your support!