The 2022 conference sessions
Download BAPT 2022 Agenda as PDF
Download BAPT 2022 Presenters and Sessions (with bios) as PDF
See Presenters/Sessions with bios below:
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A Young Type Coach’s Journey – Joe Arrigo
What can a 32-year-old Type Coach say about the first 2 years? How did he get here and what has been revealed along the way? A large part of this presentation is focused on how to facilitate the convergence of the Old Guard and New Guard of Type. Joe Arrigo is a newbie to the professional Type space. What started as a mild interest exploded into an obsession and a coaching business. His goal is to help people find their place in the world by bringing clarity to their personality type. |
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19 Ways to Fix All Your Relationships – Sterling Bates
Learn 19 methods and activities to ensure your relationships are ready for the new normal in the wake of covid-19. The multiple-model method for fixing relationships includes direct and practical methods to improve your own relationships and the relationship of your clients. Sterling’s combination of technology, mathematics, business, marketing, OD and psychological types led him to found Step Research, a psychology software company. Previously at Disney for 13 years in IT and Marketing. On the APTi board for 4 years. |
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The Inferior Function – Friend or Foe? – Angelina Bennet
The inferior function is one of the most interesting aspects of our psyche. In addition to having a role in the well-known stress or ‘Grip’ experience, it has a variety of other roles in our every-day lives – some helpful and restorative, some restrictive and destructive. Dr Angelina Bennet is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist and specialises in developing individuals through personality work. She also trains Type qualification courses through Type Pro Ltd. She is a past President of BAPT and the author of “The Shadows of Type”. |
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From the Stress Zone to Transformation – Linda Berens
We will explore the core triggers for stress from the perspectives of Essential Motivators (aka Temperament), Interaction Styles, and Intentional Drivers. We will discover antidotes for those stressors so we can better self-manage AND transform habitual stress responses. Linda V. Berens, Ph.D. provides transformational certification and change programs for InterStrength. She has been teaching type enthusiasts and professionals to use type since 1982. Linda is recognized internationally for her leading-edge contributions to the field of type. |
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The Temperaments at Work in the Post-Pandemic world – Anne Bulstrode & Susan Geary
In this interactive session we will examine how the different temperaments thrive and can overcome their struggles in the post-pandemic work world. Anne Bulstrode and Susan Geary are both Master Level Personality Dimensions Facilitators and the co-authors of the bestselling book Colour Savvy: Helping you Achieve Success in Your Work Life and their recent book Your Personality Unlocked: Living Life to Its Fullest. |
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I can’t identify my Type, would you help me? – Jean Luc Dupont
Some participants are just unable to identify their true type. You try to help them, but they just can’t answer your questions. Three years ago, I discovered a way of bypassing this problem, and have solved most cases. Let’s see how! Type changed my life the day I understood why my job as an electronics engineer was not fulfilling my life expectations. Since then it has been my mission and passion in life to help people discover their true type and explore and enjoy to the fullest its dynamic. |
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Type Battlefield – Przemysław Duchniewicz
This seminar is designed to co-create and enhance our type practitioner toolbox based on 25 years of experience in medical, psychotherapy and business field. There will be some inspiration, sharing of knowledge, experience and attitude and place for type battlefield. MD, Psychiatrist, ISTDP psychotherapist, executive trainer. For 20 years he has been running Highly Effective Teams sessions for boards of directors all over Europe. Certifies trainers in the field of psychometric tools MBTI, EQ-i, FIRO B. |
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Leadership through the webcam-glass – Gareth English
What are the strengths and pitfalls of different Types when it comes to remote leadership? This interactive session will discuss this and consider what practical steps leaders can take to improve their skills. Gareth is a Business Psychologist who has worked with Type for twenty years. He has supported teams and leaders worldwide. As part of the TypePro team he has seen the certification of hundreds of Type Practitioners. His definitive work: Type and Boardgames is still unwritten. |
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Goldilocks and the eight cognitive processes – Sue Blair
We all use all these functions but there is a time and energy component – for some, use of a function is habitual and for others it is momentary. In this session we put the Goldilocks Theory to the test. We will look at each of the cognitive processes and suggest ways in which we can use them ‘too much’, ‘too little’ and (on a good day) ‘just right’. Sue is a speaker, author and coach who has worked with Type for nearly 20 years. She specialises in taking this complex theory that we love and providing practical, simple, yet accurate ways to explain its depth. She is author of The Personality Puzzle Coaching Cards. |
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Building a Type Community in Japan – Harumi Gondo
In this session Harumi will outline the ten-year process in which she built a type community in Harumi Gondo moved to Tokyo from the US and established an NPO for Japanese mothers. TypeLAB seeks to support Japanese society through helping mothers to understand and develop themselves through the language of Type. This year alone TypeLAB ran over 360 events. |
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People, Personal Development and the Pandemic – Robin Hills
Focusing on different approaches to self-development, Robin shows how online learning can help to drive and support the New Normal when working with emotional intelligence. Robin Hills is the director of Ei4Change with over 40 years’ business and commercial experience. Robin has developed the most comprehensive range of emotional intelligence online courses that are available on the internet. He teaches over 250,000 learners in 190+ countries. |
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“Why Can’t I Be Both?” – Best Practices for Best-Fit Type – Katherine Hirsh
Join me to discover a client-centered approach to best-fit type that incorporates a variety of methods and type lenses and whose application will help you address client doubts and thereby help them reach a place of affirming self-understanding and self-compassion. Katherine W. Hirsh, D.Phil. (INTP) is co-author of Introduction to Myers-Briggs Type & Teams and content creator for Step Research. She has been using psychological type personally and professionally for over twenty-five years. |
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Post Traumatic Growth: Pointing in a Positive Direction – David Hodgson
Did you take a good look at yourself during the pandemic? Did you like what you saw or where you a tad disappointed? People who thrive adopt five strategies, deliberately or accidentally, that David will share in this session blended with type and positive psychology. David is a training consultant and author. He mostly works with teenagers, teachers and careers advisers in schools and universities across the UK. He uses his own version of personality type, the buzz, to help inspire children to make more informed decisions about their future. |
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Navigating Change: Personally. Professionally, Organizationally – Gregory Huszczo
The old adage that “The only thing constant is change,” has never been truer. The session will provide practical tips through the 7 phases of change and how one’s personality type influences efforts to deal with personal, professional, and/or organizational change. For 48 years, Greg has served as a professor, consultant, coach, researcher, MBTI practitioner and speaker (including APTi). His main areas of expertise are change, leadership, teams, and personalities. Dr. Huszczo has published 4 type-related books and variety of articles. |
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The Pandemic: Enabling the Introverted Orientations – James Johnston
We will consider each of Jung’s original four introverted type orientations and how the pandemic may have enhanced their value for living a newer, deeper, more spiritually and morally grounded life in the world. Founder of Gifts Compass Inc, Architect of the Gifts Compass Inventory (GCI), Author of Jung’s Indispensable Compass: Navigating the Dynamics of Psychological Types. Teach psychological types at C. G. Jung Institute & ISAP, Switzerland. MArch Harvard University. |
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Stress, Trauma, or Just Life? Sorting it Out with Type, Bandwidth and Blameless Discernment – Jane Kise & Ann Holm
If your life includes relationships and meaningful goals, stress is normal! Trauma is different. Prepandemic, our research showed deteriorating brain bandwidth and stress-busting hardiness skills. In this session we’ll combine type and bandwidth to build hardiness Jane Kise, Ed.D., has been working with type concepts for about three decades. The author or coauthor of many books, she has researched, written, and facilitated workshops around the world on type and leadership, spirituality, education, saboteurs, bandwidth, and more. Ann is a master practitioner, certified to administer all 3 levels of the MBTI. Her area of interest is uncovering and meshing the multiple influences that make us who we are. She has done original research to test her hunches. She enjoys typing historical characters to examine her own type biases and to observe how individuals develop over time. |
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Dancing with Your Inner Wolves – Brian Lawrence
Your personality is the story of the primal forces of energy that enable you to decide on the path that your life takes. Meet the 8 Inner Wolves (cognitive functions) that make up your personality matrix and learn the intricate dance that sets you on your true trail in life. Brian Lawrence is the Director of Life Trails Consulting and an accomplished global facilitator and coach. He is an MBTI Master Practitioner and EQi Master Trainer and has accredited over athousand practitioners in 7 countries over 11 years. |
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What exactly is ‘normality’ anyway? – Steve Myers
C.G. Jung’s interest in ‘normal’ psychology is often understated. This presentation will examine his writings on the topic, its contemporary relevance, and the relation of typology to individuation and collectivity in a post-pandemic world. Steve Myers has a Masters in Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies, a PhD in Psychoanalytic Studies (on a Jungian subject), and is author of Myers-Briggs Typology vs Jungian Individuation. He is coauthor with Roy Childs of the Type Mapping System. |
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Brains and Type Variants Around the World – Dario Nardi
We explore 4 flavors of the types: Dominant, Creative, Normalizing and Harmonizing. These are based on neuroscience, cultural psychology, and other data, and vary by career, culture and more. Knowing these helps overcome type stereotypes and bridge international differences. Dario Nardi, Ph.D. focuses on neuroscience, personality, and body-mind practices. His books include Neuroscience of Personality, Jung on Yoga, and The Magic Diamond. He uses EEG for brain-imaging and created the CPA, a highly validated assessment of the 8 Jungian functions. |
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Type Talking in the Virtual World – Susan Nash
In this interactive session, Susan will explore how to use technology to facilitate virtual type workshops, coach remotely, and build type community. Susan will share best practices for talking type virtually, gathered from her work with a wide range of global organisations. Susan Nash is owner of EM-Power Inc and the Type Academy. She specializes in publishing type related books and delivering workshops to help apply type knowledge to improve personal and business relationships, and organizational effectiveness. |
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A New Normal for Type Theory? – Richard Owen
We continue to face a pandemic of criticism against the MBTI, with prejudiced narratives spreading on social media like viruses. In the spirit of vaccine development, Richard will propose ways to reinterpret and redefine type theory that may increase our chances of survival. BAPT Treasurer Richard Owen is an organisational psychologist and coach based in Brighton, UK. A broad theorist of Type: from Jung to MBTI , to the depth typology of Dr John Beebe. Richard’s Personality Parts™ model aims to uniquely integrate these & many other perspectives. |
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Applying Jung’s 8 Functions with Remote Teams and Leaders – Cindy Paris & Alexis Fakouri
Participants will learn how to introduce Jung’s eight mental processes through vetted Type tools and corresponding exercises that help integrate learning. We will demonstrate how to facilitatethese exercises for remote teams via Zoom breakout rooms and third-party apps. Cindy Paris is an ICF credentialed Coach, an MBTI Master Practitioner, a former MBTI Certification trainer for CAPT. Cindy is an expert in the application of Psychological Type to enhance individual, team and leadership development and performance. Alexis is a coach and facilitator, trained in Linda Berens’ InterStrength Models, using type with teams and individuals to optimise and deepen awareness. She creates engaging digital training through third-party applications, bringing online workshops to life and mirroring the in-person experience. |
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MBTI and Enneagram – Complementary Power – Teodora Paucean
This session promotes the usage of MBTI and Enneagram together, as two systems that can complement each other beautifully in the process of improving emotional well-being, as well as relational and professional satisfaction. Teodora Paucean is a personal development coach with a focus on self-discovery and selfawareness. She has spent the last 10 years learning about the human mind from different perspectives, both academically and experientially. |
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One Strategy, Sixteen Tactics – Roger Pearman
We will look at data from an analysis of the database at the Center for Creative Leadership and review tactics for development for the sixteen types based on 40 plus years of experience working with type. Roger Pearman is the author or co-author of various books and articles on psychological type; as Managing Partner of a Talent Management Services company (, he uses type in providing coaching and consulting services. |
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A Defense Against Narcissism – Carol Shumate
Psychological projection is the central tool of narcissism: it enables one to be entirely sincere and yet utterly duplicitous. Jung’s typology can show us what we project and what others project onto us – by knowing our preferred functions, we can defend ourselves. Images and videos will guide participants in recognizing narcissism. Carol Shumate, PhD, has taught the course on psychological type at Pacifica Graduate Institute since 2013, when she co-taught it with analyst John Beebe. Her book Projection and Personality Development via the Eight-Function Model was published by Routledge in 2021. |
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How to Interact in the New Normal – Catherine Stothart
Working from home, at the office or hybrid working? The pandemic has changed how we work – and how we interact with our colleagues. We will use Berens’ Interaction Styles to explore the stresses for each Style in the new world of work – and find practical solutions for dealing with them. Catherine Stothart is a Leadership Coach with Airbus, and a partner in Google’s Mastery Faculty of virtual facilitators. Her book, How to Get On with Anyone, (2018, Pearson) is based on Interaction Styles. She’s now writing Motivation: The Ultimate Guide to Leading Your Team, partly based on temperament. |
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Working Against our Natural Preferences – Mary Anne Sutherland
In this session we will examine cases where the type preferences of the individuals are wildly out of step with the majority of those who have chosen the same career, activity or interest. WHAT HAPPENS????? The answers may surprise you !!!!!! Mary Anne Sutherland (ISFP) worked 32 years as an Educator, Learning Strategist, Assistant Principal & Learning Diversity Advisor. She was MBTI certified in 1984 but her orientation workshop with Gordon Lawrence and Mary McCaulley was in Florida ’83. |
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Personality Type and Reactions to a Pandemic – Rich Thompson & John Hackston
Based on research, this session will show how type relates to workplace well-being, reactions to the COVID pandemic, and the transition from traditional to remote working, together with the practical implications of these findings for type practitioners. Dr. Thompson is the Senior Director of Global Research at the Myers-Briggs Company. His primary responsibilities involve the revision, development, and maintenance of normal personality assessments for use in organizational training and development around the globe. Most recently, his work focused on the development of the MBTI assessment global forms. John is a Chartered Psychologist with over thirty years of experience in helping clients to use psychometric tests and questionnaires. He carries out research to bring personality assessments, in particular the MBTI, to life, helping practitioners and end users apply the insights they gain both inside and outside work. |
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Permission: Live a Life Consistent With Your Type – Rob Toomey
Join this session if you would like to explore the ways in which culture, parenting, education, etc. have influenced your life choices and your working definition of success. Our goal is to reflect and proactively reconsider these influences to reshape our future thinking. Rob has dedicated his professional life to shifting the use of personality type to practical applications in the context of interpersonal communication. He is the President of TypeCoach and his tools and training are used by practitioners and organisations around the globe. |
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Ambiversion: Fact or Fallacy? – Vicky Jo Varner
Are you an ambivert? Why is that currently a hot topic on social media? How does it relate to what Jung said about introversion and extraversion? Find out what all these terms actually mean and their implication for typology by attending this experiential session. As an individuation coach, certified PCC by the International Coach Federation, Dr. Varner enjoys coaching people to identify and develop their natural typological strengths. With her PhD in Depth Psychology, she has taught Jung’s work at LA’s Philosophical Research Society |
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Sharing your Knowledge in a Podcasting and YouTube World – Joel Mark Witt and Antonia Dodge
In this presentation Joel & Antonia guide us through the practical steps they’ve used to bridge the gap between traditional type professionals and the new world of online type influencers. Joel Mark Witt and Antonia Dodge are authors, podcasters, entrepreneurs, personal development coaches, and personality typology experts who have consulted with companies like Amazon, Zappos, Oracle, American Express, CNN, and many others. |
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Cognitive Function Party! – Nathan Wong
It’s a function… for your functions!! Join us as we mix, mingle, and get to know each other better! Throughout the session, we’ll travel around to various “Function Zones.” Each features deep-dive conversation questions and/or interactive mini-games that can help us connect. Nathan Wong (INFP) designs and hosts type workshops and teambuilding games for escape game companies, non-profits, and universities. Since The New Normal, he’s been facilitating discussions about functions as an admin in 8 online communities on Facebook, Discord, and Meetup. |